Are you ready to take on the challenge of learning Japanese kanji? If you’re preparing for the JLPT N5 exam or simply want to practice kanji in a fun and interactive way, this article is for you. This quiz will test your knowledge of JLPT N5 kanji, where you will get to answer a series of questions about the meaning of different kanji. Let’s dive into the rules and how this quiz works!
How It Works
Each time you ask for the next question, I will present you with one random kanji from the JLPT N5 list. Along with the kanji, I will provide four options, with only one correct meaning. Your job is to pick the right one by replying with the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Here’s an example of how the quiz works:
Question: What is the meaning of the kanji: 日?
A. Moon
B. Fire
C. Day
D. Tree
Once you reply with your answer, I’ll evaluate it based on the kanji’s meaning and provide you with feedback.
- If your answer is correct, I’ll congratulate you and move on to the next kanji.
- If your answer is incorrect, I’ll tell you the correct meaning and explain it briefly before we continue.

Now, let’s begin your first round! Ready?
Your First Question:
What is the meaning of the kanji 山?
A. Ocean
B. Mountain
C. River
D. Forest
Please reply with the letter of the answer you think is correct!