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Most frequent questions and answers

We gamers club (WGC) is a Gaming Organization who gives helping hand to the online gamers

WGC helping gamers to get sponsor and who want publishers best youtubers for best product reviews, WGC helping them to find the correct person and connect them each others.

NO! It’s totaly free of cost .

No ! Every time before promoting anyone requirements for promote and all details are posted on announcement page

You Can Contact to the WGC using Contact Us page but before that check the description what purpose you want contact.

WGC Office now available in few country only , USA,Canada,Russia,Singapore,India,Malaysia,Bangladesh,Thailand.

It’s Possible To Have A Profile That owner Didn’t Created Him/Herself It’s Possible It Was Created By Fan,Friends, Or Family Members.

No And Never WGC (We Gamers Club ) Never Create Any Profile Without Someone Request To Create It With Details.

If There Is Some One Request To Create Profile Editor Department Check It For Quality Purpose Then Approve it As Public View Profile .