How to Solve the Wi-Fi DNS not Found Problem

Solve the Wi-Fi DNS


DNS (Domain Name System) is responsible for translating the domain names into IP addresses that computers can understand. When the DNS server fails to resolve a domain name, it can result in the “Wi-Fi DNS not found” error. This error can cause the internet to be unavailable on all devices connected to the network. In this article, we will discuss how to solve the Wi-Fi DNS not found problem.

Restart the Router and Modem

The first step in troubleshooting the Wi-Fi DNS not found problem is to restart your router and modem. This will clear any temporary glitches in the network and allow the devices to reconnect.

Flush DNS Cache

If restarting the router and modem does not solve the problem, try flushing the DNS cache on your computer. This can be done by opening the command prompt and entering the “ipconfig /flushdns” command. This will clear any cached DNS information on your computer.

Use Google DNS

Another solution to the Wi-Fi DNS not found problem is to use Google DNS. To do this, go to your router settings and change the DNS server to and This will use Google’s DNS servers instead of the default DNS servers provided by your ISP.

Update Router Firmware

If the above solutions do not work, check if your router firmware is up to date. Outdated firmware can cause various issues, including DNS errors. Check the manufacturer’s website for the latest firmware and update your router accordingly.


In conclusion, the Wi-Fi DNS not found problem can be frustrating, but it is usually easy to solve. Restarting the router and modem, flushing the DNS cache, using Google DNS, and updating router firmware are some of the solutions to the problem. If none of these solutions work, contact your ISP for further assistance.

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